Hello, I'm Koushik, a Full stack developer

Koushik Chakraborty

Engineer | Developer | Musician

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I am a freelancer and a full-stack developer and highly passionate for building digital products. I am a Competitive Programmer and love to solve real-life problem with code. While making any solution or while working on any project if any technology or tools comes in my path then I always learn those tools or technologies and implement them.


Mar 2021 - PresentSubject Matter Expert @Chegg (DSA)
Nov 2020 - PresentFounder of "The Programmer's Cafe"


2020-2024Heritage Institute of Technology (Electronics & Communication)
2017-2019Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan


1. Finalist @CodeGladiator hackathon

2. 2nd Runner up @HULT Prize HITK

3. Problem setter at Geeks united

4. Events Lead at CodeChef HITK Chapter

I ❤

Programming, Problem Solving, Development, Singing, Music, Travelling

Preferred Tech Stack

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